

Ensuring UCU's Resources
Serve Members' Interests
An Honorary Treasurer Candidate with a Vision
for a Stronger Future
  • Lecturer in Governance, Financial Regulation and Risk, University of Reading (2008 – today)
  • Previously a financial regulator, banker and consultant
  • Member of UCU’s NEC; former vice-chair of Higher Education Committee
  • Chair of negotiators (union side), USS pensions JNC
  • Branch President, Reading UCU
  • Former chair of UCU’s Legal Panel
Dr Deepa Driver
Candidate Statement
"I seek your vote for Honorary Treasurer, so I can use my professional expertise, organising skills and experience, to serve UCU’s members. As a disabled, Black, first-generation immigrant, woman NEC member, I have been proud to
partake in grassroots organising within UCU, mobilising for decent pensions, secure jobs, pay that keeps up with inflation, and fair treatment.
I am an experienced negotiator capable of dealing with employers from positions of strength, and from positions of extreme vulnerability for members. Having mobilised UCU members to undo employers’ circa 40% cuts to USS pensions, and championed progressive compensation, I want us now to harness the strength of our union to build a well-funded, well-run post-16 education sector that is drawn from, and contributes to our diverse communities.

Whether it is our struggle against overwork, casualisation and inequality; or members needing legal assistance or taking industrial action; we must be able to trust UCU. To be trustworthy, UCU should have robust finances and the political courage to stand by members.

As vice-chair of the Board of the Brussels-based NGO Finance Watch, and given my professional experience as a financial regulator, I am accustomed to examining financial information. I can provide meaningful scrutiny on behalf of UCU’s democratic structures. In my years on UCU’s NEC, I have closely observed instances when UCU has faltered during sector-defining struggles, often citing resource constraints. As Treasurer, I will help ensure that when members collectively decide to take action, we have sufficient means to see decisions through and to win.
Why choose me?
I seek your vote as treasurer because I believe that my skills and
experience can be used to serve UCU members' interests effectively.
  • Proven Track Record
    I have worked in the financial sector, both in the UK and in continental Europe, and have served as a financial regulator overseeing large and complex financial firms. More widely, I serve as Vice Chair of the board of Finance Watch, a Brussels-based NGO, and as co-vice-chair of the Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers.
  • Committed to a member-led, democratic UCU
    As Treasurer, you can count on me to put members' interests first. I have always voted to support UCU members financially when they are taking legitimate action.
  • Supporting the breadth of post-16 education
    As treasurer, I will ensure that our UCU member funds are applied equitably towards the needs of members in prison education, adult and community education, further and higher education. I believe that victories in any one sector can be used to strengthen other sectors in our union. Similarly, an injury to one is an injury to all. Only when we leverage our collective strength across regions, nations and sectors we can create a post-16 education sector that contributes meaningfully to society.
  • Dedicated to Justice - in education and beyond
    I have contributed to our union's struggles for secure and fair pensions, decent pay, stable and secure employment and good working conditions for staff in post-16 education. Whether it was leading negotiations on USS pensions, getting the vote out in my branch, negotiating with difficult employers at a national level or mobilising on wider social struggles, I believe that fairness and justice matter and are worth standing up for. I also believe that we should leverage our collective strengths for the public good, so that together we can create a better society.
Latest Endorsement:
Nina Doran: 25/02/2025
I have the support of the
following Branch Committees:

Ulster UCU
Oxford UCU
Reading UCU
Newcastle UCU
Liverpool John Moores UCU
We are voting for Deepa because...
  • Rhiannon Lockley
    NEC member representing the Midlands, Equality Chair, West Midlands Regional Chair, and Birmingham City University UCU Chair
    I am very pleased to endorse Deepa Govindarajan Driver for the role of honorary treasurer. I believe Deepa will act as a transparent and confident voice for members in the treasurer role. I have known Deepa and seen her in action for some years, taking on key roles at a senior level as a Black and Disabled woman. This includes her work as a USS pensions negotiator during the key dispute period. In this position, she held strong for the interests of members under considerable pressure from USS and the employers, a position which ultimately secured a victory. As HEC Vice Chair I have seen her act to defend the democracy of the union, again demonstrating her capacity to uphold her principles under pressure. On HEC she has consistently spoken up over member access to the fighting fund. She has a background in finance, giving her the knowledge of detail needed to meet the demands of this key role in a way which advocates for members' capacity to defend and build. I will be voting for Deepa and encourage all members to vote for her too.
  • Dr Marion Hersh
    Peace campaigner, UCU NEC, and pensions negotiator
    I encourage everyone to vote for Deepa as treasurer. Her experience as
    a regulator and chair of UCU post-92 pension scheme negotiators will
    make her excellent at the financial oversight and regulatory functions
    involved. She also has extensive experience as an activist, branch
    officer and NEC member, giving her a great understanding of the political
    dimension of the role of a UCU officer. Deepa recognises the importance
    of members knowing the union is behind them when they take industrial
    action and will ensure that the strike fund is able to provide
    sufficient support to members who need it.
  • Dr Elizabeth Lawrence
    Past President, Regional Secretary Yorkshire and Humberside and Chair UCU Retired Members’ Committee (personal capacity)
    I have known Deepa for several years as a union colleague. She has displayed great energy, knowledge and commitment in the campaign to defend the value of USS pensions. As a retired member, I am very aware of the importance of defending pensions, so that future generations do not suffer poverty in old age.
    Dr Driver has extensive professional and academic knowledge of the financial sector and governance matters related to finance. This equips her ideally for the role of UCU Honorary Treasurer. The careful and responsible management of UCU finances is essential for the union’s ability to represent members and run campaigns and disputes.
    Deepa is strongly committed to upholding UCU democracy, involving members in decision-making and respecting the UCU constitution. She actively supports progressive causes and UCU’s equality and environmental agendas.
    I will be voting for Deepa as Honorary Treasurer and I hope you will do so too.
  • Donna Brown
    RHUL UCU Vice-chair; UCU NEC member - national seat, member of the USS SWG (alternate)
    I first encountered Deepa Govindarajan Driver during the 2018 USS dispute. Deepa contributed hugely to convincing stakeholders that the proposed defined benefit closure was a ghastly and unnecessary mistake. Rhul ucu was one of many branches she visited to make this case and answer members' questions.

    Deepa is passionate about governance and accountability. She has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to these principles in her contributions to the UCU and her wider human rights activism.

    Deepa's personal strength and integrity have been a huge inspiration to me. As a fellow disabled activist, I marvel at Deepa's stamina and tenacity.
  • Aisling O'Beirn
    Artist and rep for Northern Ireland on UCU's NEC
    I strongly endorse Deepa Govindarajan Driver for the role of Treasurer. She is a long-standing UCU activist with extensive experience at every level of UCU including time served on NEC, HEC and as as UCU Pensions negotiator. Her background in finance makes her particularly suited to this role. Deepa has a long-standing track record of fighting for members at every level of the union with an understanding that union funds are there to support members who are fighting for the very heart of post-16 education Please give Deepa your vote for treasurer; she will bring integrity and financial acumen to the role
  • Matt Perry
    Branch chair - NewcastleUCU; NEC - Northern Region
    I’m voting for Deepa because she has been a great friend to our branch explaining the intricacies of USS at several branch meetings over the years. She has the necessary combination of commitment to the struggles of members who will need proper resourcing in the battles to come and a forensic understanding of our accounts. Treasurers play a key role in giving members confidence to take action knowing the union has their backs. Deepa will do that.
  • Brian Kelly
    UCU at Queens Belfast
    Today, with the fallout from marketisation coming hard and fast, UCU faces serious challenges. To confront these we need a democratic and member-led union willing to fight. Having played a key role in the pensions fight, Deepa Driver knows the lay of the land and is willing and able to stand up for our members. No other candidate can bring the combination of skills and democratic principles to the important role of Treasurer. Give her your vote.
  • Reading UCU Branch Committee
    Reading UCU branch committee is happy to endorse Deepa Driver as UCU national Honorary Treasurer. We have worked together on the branch committee with Deepa for many years, each in our varying committee roles, and we have witnessed first-hand Deepa’s expertise in branch negotiations. We have full confidence in her ability to achieve the best possible outcome for members. As national pensions negotiator, she played a key role in the negotiations which led to members’ winning their pensions back. Even with complicated technicalities, which have an important bearing on members’ lives and finances, Deepa has a clever knack for making it clear and understandable. She is keen to reinforce the democracy of UCU, including in our branch where she continually seeks members’ opinions by organising regular branch meetings, but also more informal social events and surveys. We wholeheartedly endorse her candidacy and encourage all members to support her.
  • John Fones
    UCU NEC and FEC
    Our colleague Deepa works at Reading University and is an expert in Financial Regulation systems. She is a kind, but critical professional and I have found it a pleasure collaborating with her online and at Congress.
    Deepa is currently chair of national negotiators on USS and was part of the team that undid pension cuts / won back pensions.
    In addition, she has supported colleagues in FE and in prisons.
    Deepa is a friend of Further Education.
    The Treasurer role is a very senior officer role in the team of elected National Officers and the role holder is the spokesperson on all financial matters and is the only financial Officer politically accountable to members. The Treasurer has oversight of all aspects of the unions finances.
  • Ellen Owens
    Reading UCU branch secretary
    I am voting for Dr Deepa Govindarajan Driver for UCU national Honorary Treasurer. Over the years Deepa’s roles for Reading UCU (RUCU) has included as President and Pensions Officer and this is now my 5th year of working with her on the RUCU branch committee. Throughout this time I have seen how Deepa brings people together to democratically work for members’ interests, challenging management decisions on important member issues.
    In addition to Deepa’s local UCU branch roles she has extensive experience in many national union roles, including currently as USS pensions negotiator. Deepa is tenacious and does her best to fight for members rights. This places her excellently to take on the role as Honorary Treasurer.

    I urge you to vote for Deepa to ensure that members’ interests remain at the heart of the union.
  • Nina Doran
    30 years teaching in post
    NEC rep 3 times
    Current nominee NW NEC
    I endorse Deepa as the best candidate for our next honorary treasurer. You can see for yourselves the successes she has had under her belt for the union membership eg as a union negotiator in the pension dispute.

    More personally I was also so impressed by her respect for our UCU staff while working together for over 2 years on the legal panel - she was honourable and intelligent throughout that time. We need lay reps to work intelligently with our UCU staff in order to progress our campaigns effectively. She showed her ability to apply financial skills, knowledge and oversight and commitment to the needs of the union on a number of levels of difficulty.

    I believe Deepa has the credentials and the skills needed to be able to commit to the role of treasurer and deliver what our union needs. We need someone like Deepa with her drive and commitment to make a real
    Impact on the union.

    Please vote for Deepa.
  • Sean Vernell
    Membership growth is key to finance - we need more members. We need a treasurer who is a campaigning one. Who is prepared to go out to the branches encouraging members to organise in defence of jobs and pay and who understands the importance of internationalism as the cornerstone to solidarity and unity. Deeps would be a treasurer that would do these things and more.
  • Grant Buttars
    UCU Edinburgh and HEC member
    Please support Deepa for Hon Treasurer of UCU. In the many contributions to UCU she has made she has demonstrated a strong understanding of finances and an equally strong commitment to member representation and participation. This was particularly evident in the many roles she has held in relation to USS negotiations. but is equally clear in terms of how she approaches her role as an elected member of NEC.

    We need a Treasurer who is committed to making our finances transparent and understandable to members I believe Deepa is that person. Please vote for her.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
I am passionate about social justice and
upholding the public interest
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Members receive good-quality, timely information
Our platforms for internal dialogue can facilitate wide participation
Our collective decisions are implemented effectively
Policies for a Stronger Union
A democratic, member-led union thrived on vibrant, pluralistic debate.
As a national officer (Hon. Treasurer), I will aim to ensure that:
Please vote for Rhiannon Lockley as Vice President, for me as Treasurer and for UCU Left and independent* candidates:



Vice President


Rhiannon Lockley

Honorary Treasurer


Deepa Driver




John Parrington

Mike Barton

Honorary Secretary UCU Scotland


Carlo Morelli

UK Elected FE



Sean Vernell

Saleem Rashid

UK Elected HE




Richard Wild

Rob Macmaster

Michael Carley*

North East FE


Nina Doran

North West HE



Peta Bulmer

Bee Hughes

South HE






Aris Katzourakis*

Ryan Burns

Ellen Owens

David Chivall*

Michael Carley*

South FE


John Fones*

Midlands FE


Dharminder Chuhan

Casually Employed


Cecily Blyther

Black Members


Nitin Rajyaguru*

Disabled HE


Roddy Slorach

LGBT+ Members


Bee Hughes

Migrant Members


Patricia Prieto Blanco

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